The creditor came to punish

“Synopsis of this episode: The heroine is an entrepreneur who owes a lot of money due to loans and is punished by the creditor. At the beginning of the scene, the heroine is sitting on the sofa, comfortably crossing her legs. At this time, someone knocks on the door. The heroine gets up to open the door and finds that it is the creditor. The creditor asks when to pay back the money. The heroine says that she has no money. The creditor says that if you do as I ask, I can consider letting you go. The heroine really can’t pay it back, so she agrees. Then the creditor asks the heroine to kneel down and beg for mercy. The heroine does so. After the creditor lets her kneel down to admire it, he takes a chain and puts it around the heroine’s neck. The heroine’s hands are tied and placed on top of her head, and she walks around. Seeing that the heroine is very obedient, the creditor lets her kneel down and lean on the sofa, look at the sea and take a rest. Then he asked the heroine to get him some water to drink. The heroine brought tea to the creditor with her bound hands and moved on her knees. The creditor touched the heroine’s head as a reward. Later, the heroine’s hands were tied behind her back. She walked back and forth and moved on her knees. Finally, the creditor forgave the heroine’s debt, and the heroine was very grateful. When the creditor was about to leave, the heroine said wait, walked in front of the creditor, knelt down, and took his arm to express her gratitude. After the creditor left, the heroine was very tired and fell asleep on the ground.”


Size 1920×1080
Length 36:27
Video codec H264, 10997 Kbps
Audio codec AAC, 126 Kbps
Container MP4
Filesize 2.8 GB


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