Dandan’s first strand rope experience

“Dandan was on the second floor, tied up while standing. At this time, Dandan moaned helplessly and tried to untie the restraints on her hands. She did not know that the ropes were connected to her hands at first, but discovered during the struggle that she kept moaning. The female NPC went upstairs to find Dandan and asked her how she was doing. Is she comfortable? At this time, Dandan whined and asked you to let her go. The female NPC said yes, untied the rope connected to the strands and took her to the stairs to tell her you. If you reach the first floor within 2 minutes, you will be let go today. Huanhuan is already sitting on the steps, but she can only move slowly down one step at a time. Because of the rope, she can’t move quickly and can only go down. Let’s take a break. It’s a pity that she didn’t finish it and was slow for a long time. Finally, she walked to the female NPC and told her that she had already timed out. He just picked her up and pushed her to the place where she was hung. Tell her, just hang her here. Dandan shook his head very much, but there was nothing he could do. After hanging up, Dan Dan’s heels were already off the ground and she could only lean forward to point her toes. The female NPC pulled her rope again and said, “I’m going out for a while, please be obedient and leave.” Huanhuan struggled hard and untied the ropes connected to the hanging. rope. Finally, I hung on the strand rope and struggled with my heels off the ground for a while. After trying hard to untie the rope connected to the strand rope, I looked around for tools that could be used to untie the rope. I found scissors because I couldn’t cut the rope with my back straight arm. Then I searched again and found that the phone could not be unlocked. Then he tried to rub off the rope in the corner but failed. During the whole struggle to escape, he had to express the discomfort of the rope. Finally, when he arrived at the gate, the owner just pushed the door open and entered. When the model saw it, he knelt down and begged for mercy. The owner took her into his arms and played with the rope, and the photo was taken”




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