Give Back to Friends Series

“Plot introduction: Mia sent a message to the dance studio boss and wanted to dance. The boss promised on the surface, but behind his back he thought about blackmailing Mia. As soon as the camera turned, Mia was dancing gracefully. The boss brought water to greet Mia to sit down, and then began to sell the card to her. Mia definitely applied for the card and claimed to call the police to arrest the boss: strong buying and selling. When the boss sees that the soft is not good, he will be hard, and if he cuts Mia’s hands backwards, he will be bound. Mia is the boss’s opponent. She was tied up and tied to the ground by a European-style straight arm and a snake-bound leg. She began to beg for mercy: please let me go, I will give you all the money, but the boss Not intending to let her go, she filled her mouth with white panties, and then tied them with two black stockings. Then the boss sealed her eyes with pink and white hemp leaf socks and scotch tape, then kicked Mia sideways with her feet and left. Mia started to struggle on the ground and tried to spit out her panties to call for help (struggling and wooooo are great here) for a while the rope didn’t struggle, but she spit out her panties and started to call for help, but no one was called But she called the boss. The boss covered her mouth with his hand, and then kneaded a thick white towel and stuffed it into her mouth. Then he put a mouth ball on the outside, so that Mia’s mouth was too big to move. Unbuttoning the hemp leaf socks that sealed her eyes means she is too dishonest and has to be tied more tightly. The camera turned: Mia was tied sideways to the pillar, and her head was also forcibly tied, unable to move. The boss teacher scratched her feet, waist, and chest with gears and pulled her strands, and asked her if she could get a card? Mia was uncomfortable and answered vaguely: there is no money (pay attention to whether you can hear it.) The sound of the mouth ball gag ends, followed by the yellow thick hemp leaf socks gag (Mia’s mouth is very large and thick Large cotton socks can be stuffed in), after the gag is finished, the orange bandage is wrapped and sealed, and then the purple tape is wrapped. In this way, Mia’s voice is more ambiguous (I can only hear woo woo woo, basically I can’t tell the difference, everyone can tell the difference.) After blocking the mouth, the boss used the method just now to increase the offensive and continue to torture, Mia Struggling and vigorous but also to no avail. In the end, he was stunned by the boss and planned to sell it. As soon as the camera turned, Mia was forced to hang her head on the edge of the pillar by the horse’s hoofs. The boss blocked her mouth with green and white hemp leaf socks, wrapped silver tape to seal it, wrapped black tape to seal her eyes, and put on flesh-colored stockings. , and then the mouth and eyes were sealed with yellow tape to fix the flesh-colored stockings, and the gag was tied with a blindfold. After the end of the headgear, the boss wrote “sale” on the tape and left, Rumia struggled on the ground and whimpered.”


Size 1920×1080
Length 32:19
Video codec H264, 6499 Kbps
Audio codec AAC, 128 Kbps
Container MP4
Filesize 1.5 GB


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